Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::typo3_loadExtensions() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/config_default.php on line 403

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::shortMD5() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php on line 970

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::isCacheFilesAvailable() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php on line 974

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::extPath() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 66

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::addService() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 69

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php on line 521

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php on line 522

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::trimExplode() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php on line 566

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::extPath() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 147

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::extPath() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 169

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::extPath() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 223

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::addPageTSConfig() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 256

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::addPageTSConfig() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 259

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 272

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::addUserTSConfig() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 282

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 285

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::addPageTSConfig() should not be called statically in /html/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_ps5ac3_ext_localconf.php on line 305

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 106

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::makeInstance() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 113

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::clientInfo() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 116

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::getIndpEnv() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 3357

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::int_from_ver() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 123

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 128

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::addSlashesOnArray() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 129

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 139

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_extMgm::extPath() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::makeInstanceClassName() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 164

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 167

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 168

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 169

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 170

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 171

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 172

Strict Standards: Non-static method t3lib_div::_GP() should not be called statically in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php on line 173

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/config_default.php:403) in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php on line 278

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/t3lib/config_default.php:403) in /html/typo3_src-4.1.13-patched1/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_fe.php on line 2965
Effensys: Messetermine


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Wirtschaftsschau Aufwind 2013

Vreden, Industriegebiet Gaxel auf dem Freigelände
20.4.2013 Samstag von 13 - 18 Uhr
21.4.2013 Sonntag von 10 - 18 Uhr

Düstermühlenmarkt Legden

(Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)
25.08.2013 Sonntag von 10-19 Uhr und
26.08.2013 Montag von 8-16 Uhr


Waldhof Schulze Beikel
Rahder Str. 16    46325 Borken Marbeck
31.08.2013 Samstag von 11-22 Uhr
01.09.2013 Sonntag von 11-18 Uhr


Waldhof Schulze Beikel
Rahder Str. 16   46325 Borken Marbeck
12.12.2013 Donnerstag von 13-21 Uhr
13.12.2013 Freitag von 13-21 Uhr
14.12.2013 Samstag von 11-21 Uhr
15.12.2013 Sonntag von 11-20 Uhr


Düstermühlenmarkt Legden

(Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)
26.08.2012 Sonntag von 10-19 Uhr und
27.08.2012 Montag von 8-16 Uhr


Waldhof Schulze Beikel
Rahder Str. 16    46325 Borken Marbeck
01.09.2012 Samstag von 11-22 Uhr
02.09.2012 Sonntag von 11-18 Uhr


Waldhof Schulze Beikel
Rahder Str. 16   46325 Borken Marbeck
13.12.2012 Donnerstag von 13-21 Uhr
14.12.2012 Freitag von 13-21 Uhr
15.12.2012 Samstag von 11-21 Uhr
16.12.2012 Sonntag von 11-20 Uhr


Pro Karpaten

(zwischen Ahaus-Ottenstein und Alstätte)
16.04.2011 von 12 - 18 Uhr
17.04.2011 von 10 - 18 Uhr im Messezelt I

Tag der Landwirtschaft

26.06.2011 10:30-17:30Uhr
Zum Homborn 9
46325 Borken

Düstermühlenmarkt Legden

(Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)
28.08.2011 Sonntag von 10-19 Uhr und
29.08.2011 Montag von 8-16 Uhr

Vredener Frühling

27.03.2010 Samstag von 10 - 18 Uhr und
28.03.2010 Sonntag von 11 - 18 Uhr
Vreden, Wüllenerstr. 29


29.08.2010 Sonntag von 10-19 Uhr und 
30.08.2010 Montag von 8-16 Uhr
Düster Mühle, Wehr 154, 48739 Legden (Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)

Pro Karpaten
(zwischen Ahaus-Ottenstein und Alstätte)
am 4.04.2009 von 11 - 19 Uhr
am 5.04.2009 von 10 - 18 Uhr im Messezelt G

Düstermühlenmarkt Legden
(Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)
am 30 u. 31. August 2009

15. Juni 2008 10:30-17:30Uhr
Tag der Landwirtschaft
Zum Homborn 9
46325 Borken 

24.08.2008 Sonntag von 10-19 Uhr und
25.08.2008 Montag von 8-16 Uhr
Düster Mühle, Wehr 154, 48739 Legden (Anfahrt Gelände Schlätker)

24.- 26. Jan. 2008 Landwirtschaftzentrum Haus Düsse

Agrarsschau Karpaten vom 31.03. - 01.042007 10-18Uhr

24.11.2006 Vreden leutet! (Auf dem Marktplatz in Vreden)

Vredener Hamalandtag Sonntag 8.10.2006 nähe Woolworth.

Die Leistungsmesse 2006 am 23.09.2006 Stadthalle Vennehof Borken.

Düster Mühle vom 27.08.2006 - 28.08.2006 (Anfahrt: Gelände Kerkhoff, Wehr 153, 48739 Legden)